Q.- Can two RS 50 stamp paper can be used to print the Non –Criminal Undertaking/ Affidavit in place of a single stamp paper if it's not available ?
A.- Yes, two RS 50 stamp paper can be used to print the Non –Criminal Undertaking/ Affidavit / Service Agreement.
This is a general case because stamp vendors try to sell their low value stamp papers.
Q.- I live on current place on temporary basis and don't have address proof, but have the address proof of my permanent address ?
A.- You may provide a copy of the ownership agreement/Rental agreement of the house you are residing in / a society letter on the letter head of the building stating that you are
a resident of the place and the address proof of your permanent residence. Also attach an affidavit mentioning both the addresses
a resident of the place and the address proof of your permanent residence. Also attach an affidavit mentioning both the addresses
Q.- I live with relatives on temporary basis and don't have address proof ?
A.- Your relatives need to obtain a society letter stating that they are residents of the society and you are residing with them.
Q.- What if i don't have an identity proof ( driving licence / PAN / voter id / passport ) ?
A.- In case of unavailability of ID proof, please submit your college ID proof. However, this is temporary arrangement and you need to submit the ID proof during your ILP
Q.- I am yet to receive final semester mark sheet ?
A.- You must have all your mark sheets at the time of joining. They won't enroll you until you submit all mark sheets. Therefore in case you are yet to receive the same, please inform the company in advance by writing to ilp.support@tcs.com.
Generally they will postpone your joining date until you have all the mark sheets.
Generally they will postpone your joining date until you have all the mark sheets.
Q.- I don't have degree or provisional certificate/Provisional degree ?
Q.- I have doubts that I won't be able to submit provisional certificate at the end of ILP ( my college generally delays provisional degree certificate ) ?
A.- Some colleges ( especially affiliated to some university ) have a tendency to delay provisional degree certificate. Try to collect it as soon as possible and if you know that your college is one of those then In that case you must contact them at ilp.support@tcs.com before joining and explain your situation. Normally they may postpone your joining but that is not true for all cases so you must do as directed by them.
Q.- What is a Gap affidavit / Gap certificate ?
A.- If the candidate has a gap ( sometimes known as "Drop" of an year ) in education for a period of six months or more, then you are required to submit a Gap Affidavit / gap certificate. The Gap affidavit should be notarized and should be made on Rs.100 stamp paper stating the employee’s name, year of Gap and the reason for Gap. In case if the Gap is due to medical reasons, a copy of the medical certificate attested by a notary public should be attached along with the Gap affidavit. Gap affidavit should be prepared in English and the original should to be submitted for verification on the day of joining.
Generally for gap after class 12th you can write that you were studying for college entrance exams during that time.
Q. -Is there any format for Gap affidavit/ Gap certificate ?
A. - There is no format for Gap Affidavit. It is should be on Rs.100 stamp paper and should contain the duration and the genuine reason for gap. Therefore you can check with the nearest notary/stamp vendor shop, surely he will know how to write one. But be careful to get the certificate in English language only.
These days some colleges also demand Gap affidavit at the time of admission. There are chances that you may still have the original copy. If that's the case you can check that
1. if it contains all the relevant information asked by the company i.e. reason and duration of Gap
2. It is on Rs 100 stamp paper
and if so then you can submit it.
If you have any doubts about validity of your gap affidavit you can email them at ilp.support@tcs.com.