N . S . R
N.S.R. - National Skill Registry
Q.- Is NSR registration mandatory ? And till when it needs to be completed ?
A.- Yes it is mandatory. You need to complete the registration and bio-metric process of NSR before joining ILP (please visit site www.nationalskillsregistry.com). If, under certain circumstances you are not able to complete the National Skills Registry, second phase(Biometrics can be arranged during ILP. That means you must complete the online registration process at www.nationalskillregistry.com and if you don't have a NSR center nearby you can complete the second phase at ILP joining center.
Q.- I don't have a surname. What should I write in last field ?
A.-Last name is mandatory hence you
need to mention your father’s name as your last name. If you are not sure what to do then ask them at ilp support email, but make sure you write it properly otherwise you may face difficulty during document verification.
Q.- What should i write in Employee Code field ?
A.- You need to mention your CT Ref. No. as the Employee Code. After joining, the TCS employee number will be provided and it has to be updated by you on the NSR portal.
A.-Last name is mandatory hence you
need to mention your father’s name as your last name. If you are not sure what to do then ask them at ilp support email, but make sure you write it properly otherwise you may face difficulty during document verification.
Q.- What should i write in Employee Code field ?
A.- You need to mention your CT Ref. No. as the Employee Code. After joining, the TCS employee number will be provided and it has to be updated by you on the NSR portal.
Q.- When and where is the biometrics are updated ?
A.- After NSR registration the biometric test is conducted at the Point of Service (POS). There are many POS of NSR across the country ( especially in big cities ) you can find a list of POS centres at NSR website, but if you don't find a POS near your location you can update the biometrics during ILP joining process.
Q.- What is an IT pin number and how to get my IT pin number ?
A.- IT pin number is unique number provided by NSR to IT employees. It's like an identification number.
You will get your IT pin number after successful registration on NSR website. Please note that you must complete both the phase i.e. registration and biometrics/document verification on POS to get your IT pin number. Remember/write down the number for future references and submission to TCS.
Q.- What is an IT pin number and how to get my IT pin number ?
A.- IT pin number is unique number provided by NSR to IT employees. It's like an identification number.
You will get your IT pin number after successful registration on NSR website. Please note that you must complete both the phase i.e. registration and biometrics/document verification on POS to get your IT pin number. Remember/write down the number for future references and submission to TCS.
Q.- Where to submit IT pin number ?
A.- You need to submit the IT Pin number on the Next Step Portal. Log onto https://nextstep.tcs.com/.Click on ILP Corner -> National Skills Registry(NSR). If, under certain circumstances you are unable to submit your IT Pin No.; you need to carry a valid proof of your IT Pin as the same can be uploaded during ILP training.
Q.- What is POS ( point of service ) for NSR ?
A.- POS are like service centers of NSR. POS will collect your acknowledgement form, verify your details with proof of identity, collect the payment and your finger-prints. POS will scan your photograph as provided by you, please review the scanned image as the same will be printed on your card and in your NSR profile. POS will issue Transaction Identification Number (TIN).
Q.- Can details in NSR be updated after registration ?
A.- In case you missed-out some information while doing registration or made some errors these can be completed / corrected after registration. In case you need to enter new information such as an additional qualification, change in address or employment it can always be added after registration. Your details can be updated / changed only by you through NSR. Such modifications can be done by authenticating the modifications with a password different than your login password. Whenever there is a change in your details, the system will send you an alert mail at your email id registered in the NSR database. However, information which gets verified or which is under the process of verification cannot be edited.
Q.- Completed both phases of NSR but still not receive my NSR e card ?
Q.- Completed both phases of NSR but still not receive my NSR e card ?
A.- NSR won't send you a card by any physical means. You need to log in to the NSR website and generate your e Card yourself.