Wednesday, December 30, 2015

I.L.P. FAQs - Documents



Q.- Where to submit joining acceptance ?

A.- Log on to Click on the link ILP Corner -> Joining Letter -> I Accept. There is time limit on submitting joining acceptance and you must do it before that.
But don't worry if you forget to do it within time limit because personally I saw many people who do it after time limit.

Q.- What documents/certificates to be submitted at the time of joining ILP?

A.- Please refer to the Joining Letter Annexure for the list of documents to be
carried during ILP training.

Q.- where should the service agreement, surety verification and personel documents ( Cert and mark sheet copies ) be submitted ?

A.- All the above documents should be submitted at the ILP centre on the day of joining.

Q.- Should the original documents be carried at ILP centre ?

A.- Yes. Original as well as the attested documents should be carried to the ILP Centre.You won't have to submit original documents they are just for verification purpose. The originals will be returned after verification on the same day. TCS will only retain the attested copies of the documents. The attestation is mandatory and must be done by a competent authority. However, all affidavits have to be submitted in original during the joining formalities.

Q.- Who can attest the documents ?

A.- The documents can be attested by any one of the following authorities:
  • Manager of a nationalized bank where the candidate holds an account
  • District Collector of the district in which the candidate resides
  • Gazetted Officers
  • Tehsildar of the village.

Q.- Can I attend ILP without provisional degree certificate ?

A.- Yes. In case the provisional degree certificate is yet to be issued by the University/Institute , you can submit a course completion certificate  from the college issued by the Head or Director of your institution mentioning that you have completed the respective course and provisional degree certificate will be provided later However, this is a temporary arrangement and the Provisional Certificate must be submitted before the completion of the ILP. Once the course result is published it is mandatory to submit the provisional certificate. So apply for provisional degree as soon it is available because some colleges take some time in issuing it.

Q.- What is documentary proof is required for nominees of Provident Fund and Gratuity ?

A.- No documentary proof is required for nominees of Provident Fund and Gratuity. Only details such as the name and address are required. However it is advised that you must think thoroughly about your nominee before joining ILP as it is an important decision. But you can change your nominee at later stage so it's not much of a problem.

Q.- What to do If you have a PF account maintained by your previous employer ?

A.- If you have a PF account maintained by your previous employer, you can opt either of the 2 options.

1.  Continue to use the PF account while working with TCS. For this, you will need to know your PF account number.

2.  Close the existing PF account and withdraw the funds and let TCS open a new PF account.

Q.- Can two RS 50 stamp paper can be used to print the Non –Criminal Undertaking/ Affidavit in place of a single stamp paper if it's not available  ?

Yes, two RS 50 stamp paper can be used to print the Non –Criminal Undertaking/ Affidavit / Service Agreement.

This is a general case because stamp vendors try to sell their low value stamp papers.

Q.- if contents of the Non –Criminal Undertaking do not fit in the stamp paper page , can plain sheets can be used ?

A.- Yes, if contents of the Non –Criminal Undertaking do not fit in the stamp paper page , plain sheets can be used to print remaining content. Notary seal is mandatory in all the pages. So make sure you get the seal on all pages including the plain sheet, otherwise it's invalid.

Q.- In case I don't have PAN ( permanent account number ) but applied what procedure should I follow at the time of joining ?

A.- It is mandatory that the employee has a PAN card at the time of joining. However, if an employee possesses the acknowledgement slip provided by the Income Tax department, the slip should be attested by a gazetted officer and will be valid for a period of fifteen days post joining, after which the associate must have the PAN card or PAN number with them. Payroll of an associate will not be processed until his/her PAN number is updated in the system.

I suggest you to apply for PAN card immediately through official website. Don't bother to approach an agent because it's very easy. Here is another website that accepts PAN applications directly and officially This is a wonderful website because you don't have to fill certain details about your accessing officer ( only agents know these details ) so you can apply directly. 

Q.- What is a Gap affidavit / Gap certificate ?

A.- If the candidate has a gap ( sometimes known as "Drop" of an year ) in education for a period of six months or more, then you are required to submit a Gap Affidavit / gap certificate. The Gap affidavit should be notarized and should be made on Rs.100 stamp paper stating the employee’s name, year of Gap and the reason for Gap. In case if the Gap is due to medical reasons, a copy of the medical certificate attested by a notary public should be attached along with the Gap affidavit. Gap affidavit should be prepared in English and the original should to be submitted along with the BGC form for verification on the day of joining.

Generally for gap after class 12th you can write that you were studying for college entrance exams during that time.

Q.- Can passport can be submitted as proof of ID, Address and Date of Birth.?

A.- Yes, passport can be submitted as proof of ID, Address and Date of Birth. So if you have a passport you don't need anything else as an ID/address proof.

Q.- For address proof can the ration card ( in regional lang. and on parents name ) be submitted ?

A.- Yes, but the ration card must consist the name of the employee i.e. your name must be included as a family member.

Q.- What is the procedure if one does not have an address proof ?

A.- A notarized affidavit made on a Rs 100 stamp paper stating the name and address of the employee will suffice.

Q.- What if I am yet to receive my final semester mark sheet ?

A.- You must have all your mark sheets at the time of joining. In case you are yet to receive the same, please inform them in advance by writing to Generally they will postpone your joining date until you have all the mark sheets.

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