Saturday, July 16, 2016


Pre-ILP Phase In TCS

Getting started

After the placement drive is over and selection process is complete, results will be announced generally on the same day or on the next working day. Since all the process is online, you will get an email from TCS congratulating you on your selection. Before celebrating please make sure that you get the conformation email. Otherwise your friends will bankrupt you for nothing :) 

Congratulations for being selected in the campus placement
drive.( If you are not selected don't loose heart there are still off campus drives available if you wish to join the company )
If you are selected "congratulations" but this is only beginning don't think you are into TCS yet. there are many things to do before you can join Initial Learning Program (ILP). You have to arrange some documents, apply for PAN card and
Passport if you don't have them, arrange someone to be your surety, register on National Skill Repository (NSR), attend seminars and sessions conducted by them at nearby locations and most important of all prepare for I.R.A. by completing an online course Aspire

So this phase of your life is called Pre- ILP


Pre -ILP is conducted only for fresh recruits of the company  who have received TCS employment offer. This is a self-learning phase which aims at equipping you with the basic knowledge in certain specified areas prior to their joining and attending the TCS Initial Learning Program (ILP) training. So that non I.T. background students don't found it difficult to cope with technical issues. It also provide you some insight into the company like its' history and work culture so that you can fit right into it without any problem.


This is the Pre-ILP Online Learning Program which is mandatory for all fresh recruits joining TCS. This program will help you cope with the pace and rigor at ILP and get the
maximum advantage of the initial learning days. An Initial Readiness Assessment (IRA) would be conducted as soon as you join ILP ( at the day of joining ) to assess your performance in Aspire course. Aspire participation and IRA score will be one of the key factors in determining your location of posting and/or your final ILP Rating. 

Note -: There are some people who get joining letter before completing the aspire (the first batch), but after that if you want joining letter early, you complete aspire.
You will get joining letter without completing the aspire but only at the end of your selection year (Jan.-Feb.) in the last batch.

You can access Aspire through Launch Campus Commune >> Aspire

To get joining letter through Aspire, you have to complete the course and clear the cutoff of the respective batch.

For more info. on Aspire Visit HERE      
or read          Aspire FAQs

If you are lucky and in the leader board by clearing the cutoff of the respective batch, you will get the Joining letter from TCS. You will receive an email congratulating you for your joining letter. 
After that you will receive several emails at regular interval
regarding your ILP location, date and venue. There will be some other emails regarding documents required at the day of joining and about Initial readiness assessment tests (IRAs).

If you are following this blog you probably know all this stuff and already arranged the documents.
Get ready for a beautiful journey ahead.

Best wishes for your ILP

If you have further doubts about your ILP program, please ask them in comments.

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1 comment:

  1. How i will know when to start aspire .will tcs mail me to start the aspire test
