Sunday, July 17, 2016


E-mail Writing

Verbal Ability

During Phase 1 of selection process ( online examination ) you will face a paper consisting 2 parts namely "verbal ability" and "aptitude".
In verbal ability part you have to write an Email with some specific points and details in it.You have to write the mail in at least 50 words and not less than that. The key to crack verbal examination is to use all the phrase given, this is critically important that you use all the phrases. Do not make
spelling mistakes and keep it simple. Note that if you make a spelling mistake in a certain phrase ( one of the "must use" phrase ) then you will have 2 problems

1. The checking software will mark this as a spelling mistake and deduct marks

2. Since you write it's spelling incorrectly and it is not as the phrase given in question so the software will deduct that you left a "must use phrase" and you will suffer severe marks penalty.

 You can practice the demo test on TCS Open See Same ( on TCS nextstep portal ) . The online test environment will be similar.

Or you can also check this Email simulator of  programming geek 
If you are taking examination of both analytical and verbal part ( which normally you would ) then you will get 10 minutes for verbal part first and then 80 minutes for analytical part

Note that even if you solve verbal part in less than 10 minutes the remaining time will not be added to your analytical part, so there is no need to rush in email writing. Analytical part consists of 30 questions need to be solved within 80 minutes. You can easily navigate around the question and paper. Exam environment is same as in TCS Open See Same. You will get an on screen calculator, so you are not required to bring yours but if you are not comfortable you can also carry a calculator in examination hall ( but please check the latest rules or ask the invigilator ). My suggestion is to carry your own calculator because on screen calculator will only waste your time.

One last but most important point - as far as I know Email writing is qualifying in nature that means if you fail to write email there are chances that your rest of paper won't be evaluated. But I am not sure about there checking procedure so don't give up on rest of the examination even if you messed up the Email.

Important TIPS to write Email

1. Email writing consists of words and phrases to "must be used" in your email. 

2. Failing to use all the phrases is not an option. So use them any how. I suggest to use them in individual sentences rather then combining many of them in one. 

3. Given time will be 10min 

4. The email is checked by a computer so just be careful about making spelling mistakes and/or grammatical mistakes. 

5. Don’t try to write complicated emails, 10 mins will pass too quickly. 

6. Don't play around with tenses. Be direct and to the point.

7. Avoid such words which you have any kind of doubt in spelling.

8. Warning: It is mandatory to use all the "must use" words and phrases, but you can change sequence of their occurrence.

9. Personal Tip : Email writing is about proper format, so better first write the top & bottom content, complete the format and later complete the message body. 

10. Don't use your own name because I am sure in most of the cases it is not a proper English word ( Ram, Sonam, Mayur etc. ) and will be treated as a spelling mistake.

Practice lots and lots of previous year examples on my blog. Because just like the aptitude questions these emails may also be Re-asked in exam.

Best of luck.

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If you have any other doubts feel free to drop a comment below.

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