Saturday, August 6, 2016


Aspire FAQs

Aspire is a Pre joining or pre ILP online course designed by TCS for fresher candidates joining TCS.

To know more about Aspire Click HERE.

FAQs :-

Q. Is it mandatory for everyone to complete aspire course in order to get joining at ILP program in TCS ?

A. No it is not mandatory. But still it is essential because of 2 reasons
      1. your joining will be delayed till the end of year
      2. You may face difficulty in IRAs at the day of joining.

Q. Who can attempt Aspire ?

A. Aspire programs only meant for freshers joining TCS. Whether they are from on campus drive or off campus drive. Only Lateral hires (experienced professionals hired through other channels) don’t need to attempt such online course or I.L.P.

Q. How score is decided in Aspire ?

A. Whenever you attempt a quiz, points are awarded to you in the form of "Miles". Here in Aspire, Miles are like your score that you secure in a particular quiz. Don't get confused, they are just marks and nothing else.

Q. What is meant by "Deadline" in Aspire ?

A. Deadline is a specific date on which TCS check the score of everybody and select top students for next batch of training in ILP program.

Q. Is the deadline applies to entire Aspire course or are there separate deadlines for every course?

A. No, there is there is only one common deadline for completing entire Aspire course and this deadline is same for everybody. You are expected to complete your course before this deadline.

Q. How can I access my current record of miles and rank?

A. You can access your TCS Aspire score and rank with respect to other candidates attempting Aspire on Leader board.  Leader board is a list of top 200 candidates with their miles are displayed on aspire Leader board. You will see your score and rank there, even if you are not in top 200 positions.

Q. Whether the deadline depends on the date at which I start the course ?

A. No. The deadline date is independent of your date of start of course. It is same for everybody. 

Think it like an online exam where you can appear or not at your will. You will get 2 days to complete the test. Even if you don't appear in the test or start the test late after 2 days the result will be declared and new test schedule will be launched.
So it's your responsibility to keep an eye on respective deadline of the course.

Q. How can someone “Reset a course”? or What is mean by resetting the course ?

A. In Aspire you will have normal small quizzes and a big course completion quiz. You must complete any one course completion quiz before the Aspire cutoff date or deadline. And after that date, whenever the quizzes are re available again you can reset your course modules if you feel you can improve your score and rank in Aspire by giving them once again.

Q. What is second attempt in a quiz ?

A. If you fail in one quiz and then you re attempt it again, then it would be considered as your second attempt.

Q. Are there any disadvantages of second attempt of quiz ?

A. You can score maximum miles/marks in first attempt only. In second attempt, marks awarded will be less than the first attempt.

Q. If I reset a module will it be counted as my second attempt to that module ?

A. No, it won’t be considered as your second attempt. Once you reset the module, all the previous data related to that module will be deleted and reset.

Q. Is joining really decided on the basis of Aspire?

A. Yes, joining is really decided by your score in the Aspire. If you want to join early, prepare hard and get a good score and rank.

Note:- Only exception to this rule is First batch and last few batches. First batch get its joining date before completing Aspire, and the last batches are of those who never completed/ poorly performed in Aspire.

Q. How can I access the Deadline of the TCS Aspire course ?

A. First, login to TCS next step portal then launch campus commune from there. Now when campus commune is launched look on your wall, go through the notice section and you will find the deadline.

Q. What should be someones rank to get an assured joining?

A. To get an assured joining, you must clear cut off of that round and now a days your rank must be under 2000.

Q. For resetting the quiz , do I need to reset the whole Aspire course or just the sub quiz which I have failed ? 

A. Yes, you need to reset the whole Aspire course. As for now resetting of individual quiz/module is not available.

Q. Will resetting the Aspire course affect my previous scores and miles ?

A. Yes, the previously earned miles of that particular course will be deducted from your total miles. But don't worry it's not permanent, as once you complete the course again, the newly earned miles will be added to your score.

Q. Why my Aspire tests are freezed and when will they unlock?

A: They freeze due to deadline and resetting of course. They will be normally un freezed within 2 - 3 weeks. For more inquiry contact TCS support.

Q. If I fail in a course completion, can I reset the course?

A. Yes, you can do it. Once aspire is unlocked you can reset particular course through an reset course option.

Q. Is it mandatory to reset the course after a deadline?

A. At the end of each chapter, you will get option to start the quiz. If you won’t able to complete it before deadline then you can again continue from where you left off once aspire is unlocked.

Q. I cleared a chapter quiz in the second attempt. Can I reset it again when the reset option is available to improve it or it won’t be available as I had cleared in my second attempt ?

A. When reset option is available you can reset the quiz. But you have to give all the chapter quizzes again. So I suggest that if you have scored good in other quizzes, don't reset them all for one quiz.

If you have further queries about Aspire either you can mail your query at 
 contact aspire support team at 1-800-209-3111 (Toll-Free) / 044 – 6616 2107 / 044 – 6616 2099.

Best of luck for the next Deadline.

Please share this with friends.

Have further questions ? Comment below.

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  1. I have one doubt. If I want early joining then what should be my rank in leaderboard? And to do so how much miles should i score?

  2. How many total miles in aspire 2018?

  3. how can I change my name in campus commune or nextsteptcs?

  4. How i will know when i have to give apsire test .will tcs mail me tp give aspire test?

  5. i have completed aspire with 225 miles when will i get the joining letter
