Saturday, August 6, 2016


How to Attempt Aspire

In order to complete a course in Aspire, you must complete all the chapters within the course. Each chapter contains sub-topics.

After each chapter, you will find one chapter quiz with 40 multiple-choice questions and that must be cleared to complete the chapter. In order to unlock “Course Completion Quiz”, one must complete all chapter quizzes of that particular Aspire course. 
Note:- At the end of every sub topic you will find an, “Ask Doubts” section. It is provided to clear your doubts if you have any.

To pass each chapter, you have only 2 attempts. The second attempt is available only if you are not able to clear a

quiz in the first attempt. 

However you can score maximum miles only in the first attempt because the scores assigned per answer in the second attempt is lesser than that in the first. 
If you can't complete the quiz even in the second round, the next module is automatically unlocked but be aware that whatever miles you earned in that quiz won’t be counted towards your total score. So please go through study material properly and attempt the quizzes seriously.

 There are currently 6 courses in the TCS Aspire course.

1. Introduction to Computer Systems
2. Basics of Programming (online programming learning)
3. Business Skills – The Essentials
4. Know Your TCS
5. Problem Solving
6. Relational Data Base Management System (DBMS)

Marks/Miles awarded in the TCS Aspire

There are 2 types of quizzes in the TCS Aspire

1. Chapter quiz. 
2. Course Completion quiz. 

Please note that the Miles that are awarded here are nothing but the marks for a quiz.

Details of Chapter Quiz in TCS Aspire

No of questions -- 40 (each carry 4 miles)
Miles allocated per right answer -- 4 miles
Negative marking (Miles deducted per wrong answer) -------- 1 mile
Passing marks/miles -- 40 miles

So you have to get 40 miles from 160 miles. Thus only 25% marks are required to pass.
Details of Course Completion Quiz in TCS Aspire

No of questions -- 80 (each carry4 miles)
Negative marking (Miles deducted per wrong answer) -------- 1 mile
Passing marks/miles -- 80 miles

Again you have to get 80 miles out of 640 miles which are again 25% of the total miles.

So passing these quizzes and the whole course is not tough. However getting a good rank and being in the leader board is an entirely different thing.

I suggest you must download the course material of Aspire before starting the quiz and read it thoroughly.

Now a days people use this trick to score good :-
They open the respective quiz in separate browser window and as soon as the question pops, they hit Ctr+F to find a particular keyword in the material. In most of the cases question is simple and you will find the correct answer along with the keyword, hence you can score more and get early joining.
Warning:- While this trick sounds intriguing you may face some issues like 
1. Whatever you say in this methods defense, This is still nothing but Cheating.
2. I heard that TCS disabled the ctr+f on such pages.
3. At the time of joining you have to pass 2 tests namely   IRA 1 and IRA 2. And if you score higher in the Aspire they will increase the cutoff for IRAs according to your score. So if you complete the course honestly, you are good or otherwise you will fail and send back home. ( your ILP will be rescheduled )

So Friends, my suggestion is that you must stick to the regular hard work method. After all, this is best for you.

Best of luck for your joining.

Please share this article if you like.

If you have any more doubts about TCS Aspire, please ask in comments.

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  1. how to take aspire test , where can i find it in my dashboard

    1. Hey did you find it? please help me. I am also facing same problem.

  2. Please explain about the stage 2 of Aspire. How to access Tech Lounge?

  3. What are the subjects for ITIS ?
