Saturday, July 23, 2016


TCS Verbal Ability Test Set : 8

1. Use all the phrases given 
2. Minimum words should be 50 otherwise your email cannot be validated
3. Addressing and signing should be done as in the question given. 
4. Common grammatical rules, punctuation should be according to standard english.
5. you can use your own phrases along with the phrases given. 

Email writing example : 36

As a supplier, write an email to the manager of M/S Big wheel Manufacturing Company, Mr.Chopra, intimating of their payment that is due for the products delivered to them three months ago. Sign the email as Ramesh

On time - delivery of goods - three months - credit period - overdue - payment - of the earliest - longstanding -

TCS Verbal Ability Test : Answer 36

Hi Mr.Chopra

You are a valuable customer of our company for a very long time and we appreciate your business. And you always make payments on time . But recently, we observed that we have not received payment for the delivery of goods we made on 15th may this year. Three months credit period was also over and payment is over due. I request you to make payment for the above goods delivered of the earliest. We are looking forward for a longstanding relationship with your company.

Thanks and regards

Email writing example : 37

As a recent buyer of their laptop, write an email to the Manager of Smart Appliance company, Mr.Arun, regarding the poor quality of service facility available in the city.  Sign the email as Naman. Use given phrases and complete the email in 100 words.

very few - service centers - complaints - pending problems - maintenance - cost - time - delivery - increase - customer satisfaction

TCS Verbal Ability Test : Answer 37

Dear Mr. Arun

I recently bought Storm thunder laptop from "New tech show room" in Jaipur.  Recently I faced small problem with sound card and brought it for repairs.  But to my utter surprise, the showroom staff told me that service is not available in their showroom and they asked me to take the lptop to near by service center.  I found that there are very few service centers available compared to sales showrooms, and there are many complaints regarding this.  This in turn is causing many pending problems and increased maintenance cost, time and delivery time.  I would like to suggest you that if more service centers are opened in the city, customer satisfaction also goes up which finally converts into more sales.

Thanks and Regards

Email writing example : 38 

Using the following phrases, write an email with minimum of 70 words to the customer Mr. Roy explaining delay to the project.

Payment processing system – Schedule – 15th –month   Unexpected system crash   – bug fix and maintenance – 3 days – Overall delay – 10 days – includes recovery of lost work – will not recur

TCS Verbal Ability Test : Answer 38

Dear Mr. Roy

The project “Payment processing system” was scheduled to be delivered on 15th of this month. However, due to an unexpected system crash in our offshore site for the past 3 days, work did not progress as expected. We need some time to find a bug fix and maintenance. Hence we are expecting an overall delay includes recovery of lost work in the delivery of the project for a maximum of 10 days. Apologies for the delay and we will ensure that the mistake will not recur in future again. 

Thanks and Regards 

Email writing example : 39

As a member of your residential society, write an email to municipal inspector of local station, Mr.Sharma, informing him about irregular water supply in your society.  Sign the email as Durgaram.

residential area - 1500 residents - few days - water - supply - irregular - municipal employees - schedule - wait - whole day - constant - nuisance - action - immediately.

TCS Verbal Ability Test : Answer 39

Dear Mr.Sharma

We are the residents of Siddartha Nagar.  We would like to bring to your notice that our colony comprises 1500 residents.  From a few days water supply in our area is irregular. Which means municipal employees are not following any schedule for water supply. Due to this people have to wait whole day for water.  This is creating a constant nuisance for all.  So we would like to request you to take necessary action to curb these activities

Thanking you
Yours sincerely

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