HR Interview Must read Tips for TCS
To know more about H.R. round first read this article.
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!5 Secret Tips for TCS H.R. Interview |
We must keep in mind 2 important points :
1. The person interviewing you is a Human Resource Manager
2. There are no right or wrong answers
Tips for the interview :
1. Be careful about your physical appearance/ looks.
You faced a long day and gave two interviews already
( Technical and managerial ) so you must be tired by now, but you must try to maintain a fresh look. Wash your face,
eat/drink something or whatever you need to do, just don't look like a walking dead zombie walking slowly with a sad face. :)
eat/drink something or whatever you need to do, just don't look like a walking dead zombie walking slowly with a sad face. :)
2. Prepare your documents especially C.V. because H.R. is not interested that much in your educational qualification so this is probable he won't ask for any other document.
3. Read your C.V. once again this time focus only on your hobbies and extra curricular activities. Ask your self why you do/like that thing and prepare an answer.
4. How will you prove that this is actually true i.e. you actually do that thing as a hobby.
Note that this question is asked only if H.R. thinks that you are lying, so try to give some evidence or mention something that happens to you in your hobby ( like a competition you won or participated ).
5. Do not make false claims of your hobbies.
I don't know why people do that ? I mean having paragliding, bungee jumping or playing water polo as a hobby sounds cool but cycling, blogging, singing or even "solving sudoku", will also do just fine. In fact if HR knows there is no water polo court nearby ( which probably isn't :) ) or ask you a technical detail about your hobby ( like wing span of para glider, rope material of bungee chord etc ) which you don't know because you were lying then you are finished.
6. Just like any other interview wish the interviewer warmly, with a smile.
7. Don't sit until permitted.
If you don't want to ask permission to sit, just stand near the chair and wait for a second, H.R. will ask you to sit down.
8. Start preparing for H.R. interview before some time ( 1 or 2 weeks ) Read some news papers, article, blogs and keep up with national and international current affairs. In short - Be aware for some time.
9. Do some research and learn about the company. Like its current and previous C.E.O.s , revenues, profits, new projects etc. Simple way is to search internet for any news about the company and read it. This step is of utmost importance please don't ignore it.
10. Be socially responsible in your answer. Justify what you are saying with the welfare of society and country.
11. Don't say anything which sounds selfish. Like, I am doing this for myself, I will do ONLY my job etc. I think this point is common sense and need not to be stressed.
12. They will ask you about your family background and based on that they may ask some other questions. So, if there are such problems, prepare for them in advance. They will be concerned about your family problem only if they think it may interfere with your job.
For example : you live in nuclear/small family and lost your father and your mother is housewife they will ask that if it is possible for you to leave town/country if it is necessary? And if yes How?
13. If you are suffering from a chronic ( continuous and long ) disease better prepare an explanation that how will you manage it along with your work.
14. H.R. will tell you about terms and conditions of the company.
Keep saying you are fine with them because neither you nor H.R. can do anything about them.
Refusing or challenging any term or condition is a critical mistake which often leads to direct rejection.
Remember that you can negotiate some terms ( which are negotiable ) after you are selected and which are not you can't do anything about them, so don't bother during during H.R. interview.
15. It is advised that you should talk only in English. But you can use any other local language in some conditions :
- If you are not sure what you are going to say is correct.
- You don't have the right words for the situation and afraid that your message will be misunderstood.
- Situations where silence may worsen the matter. Like if you are asked to give proof of your hobby and you just keep silence H.R. will think you are lying.
That's all for the tips. Keep in mind that you can't be wrong as they are asking only your opinion and not for exact answer, so just be confident.
I will discuss some commonly asked questions soon.
Best of luck for the interview.
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