Monday, July 11, 2016



Guidelines to complete Service Agreement

You can download the Service Agreement by logging in to TCS nextstep website - ILP corner and clicking on ‘Download Service Agreement for Rs100 Stamp Paper/`Rs 50 Stamp Paper’ link on TCS NextStep>>ILP Corner>>First Day at TCS>> Joining Formalities.

Print the service agreement as given in the website without any changes ( Just copy paste it do not edit ). You can not delete or rearrange the clauses. In case of non-applicability, leave the clauses blank and do not delete them ( It is critical
because they do not accept even slightly edited version of Service agreement ). 

In the last page of the service agreement, make sure that the surety’s signature is adjacent to the statement "As a token of his/her consent, he/she has signed this agreement as Surety and employee name and signature is adjacent to the statement, “Signed and Delivered by". Keep in mind  that Surety’s Signature anywhere else in this page will not be accepted by them so make sure you get them at proper places and not anywhere else.

Only one Surety is required for completing the formalities in your Service Agreement. A Surety can be any person who is an income tax payee or who possesses land property. The Service Agreement needs to be fully completed, having your Surety’s signature on the bottom part of all pages and at the designated places on the last page.

 Please type the first page of the Service Agreement on a Rs 100 stamp paper and attach the same to the remaining part to pages of the service agreement as given in the format. If Rs 100 stamp paper is not available, use two Rs`50 stamp papers. Type the first two pages of the Service Agreement on a Rs`50 stamp paper and attach the same to the remaining pages of the service agreement .

Note that the stamp paper should be purchased in your name.

In case the Stamp Paper of the above mentioned prices ( i.e. Rs 100 and RS 50 ) are not available,

1.  Franking the service agreement on a non-judicial stamp is allowed but make sure to notarize it.

2.  E-Stamping of the Service Agreement is allowed if it is available for non-judicial stamp.

At the beginning of your agreement, you must mention the date as your date of joining TCSL. 
In the second page,mention your duration of your training as Twelve Months  and minimum period of service should be mentioned as Two years.

Here are some other tips to fill the service agreement are as below. Please feel free to contact them at email if you have any doubts about their current procedure but don't fill anything until you are absolutely sure.

  • You are required to produce the following documents of Surety’s as an annexure to the Service Agreement.

  • Only attested copies would be accepted.

Since there are a number of documents available depending on your situation and availability. For your ease and for sake of simplicity you can prepare the service agreement documents in any of the 3 ways  :--

Service Agreement Supporting Documents - Option 1

Photocopy of Pan Card along with latest IT Return/Saral /Form 2D/ Form 16/ Form 12B.

They will accept only the current or previous year’s documents. For example If your joining date is in June 2016, latest IT Return refers to IT Return for the Assessment Year 2015-2016 (previous assessment year) or 2016 -2017 (current assessment year) will be accepted.
Surety Verification form must be completed by your Surety,  must be attested by a competent authority ( given below ), and submitted with your Service Agreement. 
For attestation by competent authority you may get the completed form attested by any one of the following officials:

(1) Manager of a nationalized bank where the Surety holds an account.

(2) District collector of the district in which the Surety resides.

(3) Any gazetted officer.

(4) Tehsildar of the village in which the Surety resides and not from your residential place ( unless both are same ).

(5) By the employer of the Surety, if the Surety pays income tax. In this case, attach a photocopy of Form 16, which has been issued to the Surety and signed by the Employer Alternatively
(instead of the Surety Verification Form) you may attach an attested photocopy of the Surety's valid passport, to the Service Agreement.

Note: Make sure that the signatures of the Surety affixed on the Service Agreement, Surety Verification form, Passport and other supporting documents (IT return/PAN card) match.
So make sure they are same everywhere because the submission of these documents and your fulfillments of all requirements stated therein are absolute pre-requisites on joining ILP, as well as to continued services in the company thereafter. That means if they find out something wrong in your documents you can be expelled later from the company.

Service Agreement Supporting Documents - Option 2

Get Original or Attested photocopy of the Land Deed or Land Passbook (only applicable for those having agriculture as occupation) along with a recent valuation certificate of the property (Note that it should be in English only) from the Competent Authority with it's sign and seal.
Make sure that the present market estimate of the property should not be less than Rs 50, 000 because this is the required amount for service bond.

Service Agreement Supporting Documents - Option 3

If you don't have a surety then another option is an F.D. of Rs 50,000/-. Clause No. 3 in the second page needs to be filled only if you are submitting a Fixed Deposit Receipt of Rs`50,000/-to TCSL but should not be deleted in case of non applicability ( I am stressing out again "DO NOT DELETE ANYTHING EVEN IF IT IS NON APPLICABLE, JUST LEAVE IT BLANK" ). The fixed deposit may have either of the following formats:

1. Joint account between Tata Consultancy Services Limited and you
2. In your name either assigned to Tata Consultancy Services Limited
3. Lien noted in favor of Tata Consultancy Services Limited.

For further help Check my ILP FAQs section
Comment below to ask any question.


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