Thursday, August 4, 2016


Technical Interview Tips For TCS

To know more about technical interview visit HERE

This is second phase of selection process and only few were able to make here and still there are 3 more interview rounds before selection ( Technical, Managerial and H.R.
This is one important phase and if number of candidates in this phase is around 150 or more there are chances that some of them were rejected before H.R. interview.( not called for H.R. interview ). So be careful as rejection phase is not over yet.

As you are aware that the interviewer for the technical
interview round is from technical background ( BTech/Mtech ), you should follow certain rules in order to successfully clear the technical interview.

And one more thing to remember is that in technical interview there were at least 2 and at most 4 interviewers present in the Technical interview panel. And with high chances that they belong to different branches.
Strangely, only one of them acts as a leader and others just play along, so make sure to impress him/her.

Here are few Tips for Technical interview : 

1. First of all prepare your C.V. for technical interview very carefully. You may copy a "format" from a friend but never copy the content. It is common sense that you can't copy some ones academic records, but don't even copy the other details. For example in career objective write something of your own, use your own mind, See what fits there. What you can defend and explain.

2. Just like in any technical exam you must study your subjects properly. There is no trick/technique that can help you to answer a technical question related to a subject.
Unlike Managerial or HR round you can't make up any answer.

3. Since it is an IT MNC, interviewer will put stress on programming languages and computer based subjects/topics. So prepare at least one programming language because a large number of questions will be asked from here.

4. If you belong to C.S./I.T. branch then you have to extra careful and attentive because they will expect more from you as compared to a non CS/IT guy. Based on practical experiences, I recommend you to learn all basics of important CS/IT subjects like ( Data Structure, DBMS, C/C++, JAVA, Operating Systems,  Software Engineering etc.) along with at least 1 ( recommended 2 ) programming languages.

5. If you don't belong to CS/IT branch then learn at least 1 programming language. 
But don't forget to prepare your branch's topics and basic subjects because one of the interviewer may not be a CS/IT person and may be from your own branch.

6. If the lead interviewer is non CS/IT fellow and also belong to your branch then there are two possibilities :

  • You can impress him /her with you own subject's knowledge because he knows them too and he may feel attached to you ( somewhat ) for being a branch senior.
  • On other hand things may get really horrible if you are unable to answer his basic questions about you own branch topics.
Bottom line : Prepare a programming language but never forget your own branch's basics for a technical interview.

7. In technical interview all the questions asked are not that difficult. There are also many questions which require just presence of mind and general reasoning aptitude. So don't think every question is technical and you must answer it in the same way.
They may surprise you by a sudden out of the league question like "What are newton's 3 laws, please tell us in exact statement "? 

8. Get ready for some puzzle type questions. Like "You have two beakers – one of 4 liters and other of 5 liters. You are expected to pour exactly 7 liters in a bucket. How will you complete the task" ?
So please practice some of them.

9. Generally in technical interview they ask you questions from your C.V. and you have to prove that whatever you write in C.V. is correct and you know it. This is called "Defending your C.V."

10. But in some cases ( especially CS/IT ) they ask everything else but not the C.V. For example if you wrote Java and C++ as languages, all they ask is XML, HTML or Python scripts.
But don't loose your mind because that's what they are testing ( how calmly you handle difficult situation ), just think for a while and answer. Remember all questions they ask in technical interview in TCS are just basic questions.
Note - If you don't know an answer never say that it's not in your C.V. because they already know that, and you may give them a wrong idea that you are not comfortable in difficult situations. Think for a while and if you don't know, just say it politely.

11. Be aware of your surroundings. They may ask questions from nearby objects, like "give an example of feedback control loop in this room" or "explain the working mechanism of optical mouse" or "How this computer's antivirus works" ?

12. Be aware of your belongings. If you wear a watch check the time before entering the interview room. If you use smartphone, remember its specifications, few good apps etc.

13. For most of you, this will be going to the first interview of life. I suggest making a small group of friends and taking the interview of each other. Try to help each other in tackling the interview.
The same you should do for HR section as well.

14. "Be confident"
Don't get depressed if you can't answer a few questions.
I have seen many, who get selected despite of many wrong answers.

15. at the same time - "don't be overconfident".
Never say that you know everything about a subject, however good your knowledge may be. Instead you can say, that it's your best/one of the best topic. Because on the other hand I have seen many others whose interview was just fine, but when they re check their answer out of the interview room, they were all wrong.
Interviewer rarely give you any instant feedback that your answer is correct or not.

Last thing is that like any other interview, TCS technical interview has Luck as critical factor. So don't loose hope if you are not selected earlier.

For more questions of TCS technical interview please visit THIS PAGE.

For tips of preparing a good C.V. go HERE.

Best of luck for the technical interview.

If you have any more doubts please ask them in comments.

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